International Consolidated Business Group Pty Ltd ACN 603 164 281 (ICBG)

Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy)

  1. What is “Personal Information”?

“Personal information” is information or opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

2. How we collect personal information

ICBG will collect and hold your personal information in a fair and lawful manner, and not in an unreasonably intrusive way. Where it is reasonably practical to do so, we will collect your personal information directly from you. However, in certain cases when authorised we may collect personal information from third parties, including from publically available sources.

2.1   ICBG collects your personal information to allow it to conduct its business functions and to market its products. ICBG may collect personal information such as your name, gender, date of birth, contact details (including personal or work), or occupation when you visit our Website, participate in promotions, register for promotional materials, request information on ICBG, our products or services, purchase our products or services, provide feedback or otherwise submit information to us through our Website, complete a job application for a position with ICBG or any of its related entities or contact us by telephone, facsimile, email, post or in person. ICBG may also collect personal information that includes any other information which you provide when participating in our promotions or surveys.

2.2  ICBG may also collect personal information about you via third parties, such as any third parties that facilitate the purchase of our products and services (including providing payment facilities). However ICBG will only collect your personal information in this way if it is not reasonable or practical to collect this information directly from you.

3. Information collected via our Website

3.1    ICBG will not collect any personal information about users of our Website except when they knowingly provide it or as otherwise described below. For example, ICBG will collect personal information from users of its Website when they register to receive e-mail updates and product information from ICBG, purchase our products or services, fill out an online job application for a position with ICBG or its related entities, provide feedback, fill out a form requesting information or otherwise submit information to us through the Website.

Click Stream Data

3.2  When you visit and browse our Website, our Website host and other third parties engaged by us may collect personal information for statistical, reporting and maintenance purposes, including:

          • the number of users visiting our Website and the number of pages viewed;
          • the date, time and duration of a visit;
          • the IP address of your computer; or
          • the path taken through our Website.

3.3   ICBG’s Website host uses this information to administer and improve the performance of our website.


3.4  Cookies are small text files that are transferred to a user’s computer hard drive by a website for the purpose of storing information about a user’s identity, browser type or website visiting patterns.

3.5  If you access our Website, a cookie may be downloaded onto your computer’s hard drive when you first log on to our website.

3.6  You can adjust your internet browser to disable cookies, however ICBG and other third parties engaged by us may not be able to provide you with all the service or functionality you require on our website if you choose to do so.

Web Beacons

3.7  Web beacons are images that originate from a third party site to track visitor activities. ICBG and other third parties engaged by us may use web beacons to track the visiting patterns of individuals accessing our website.

4. Use of personal information

4.1    ICBG uses the personal information it collects about you for our business functions and activities which may include the following:

          • to provide you with information, products or services you have requested;
          • to promote and market our products and services to you;
          • to personalise and customise your experiences with our Website;
          • to communicate with you;
          • to help ICBG research the needs of its customers and to market its products and services with a better understanding of your needs and the needs of customers generally;
          • to process your job application;
          • to provide you with ongoing information (including but not limited to information about events, offers, discounts and promotions) about ICBG in which ICBG believes you may be interested;
          • to conduct research for the purposes of improving existing products or services or creating new products or services; and
          • to give you the opportunity, from time to time, to receive emails and any other advertising materials from ICBG.

4.2   ICBG may collect and use your Personal Information for other purposes not listed above. If we do so, we will make it known to you at the time we collect and/or use your personal information.

4.3   If you choose not to provide your personal information to ICBG for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, we may not be able to undertake certain activities for you such as providing you with requested information, products or services.

5. Disclosure of personal information

5.1   Depending on the nature of your engagement with ICBG, we may disclose your personal information to related entities of ICBG, third parties that provide products and services to ICBG or directly to you (at your request), fulfilment houses, distributors and other third parties such as your referee(s).

5.2   ICBG may also disclose your personal information to our Website host and/or software application providers in certain limited circumstances, for example when our Website experiences a technical problem or to ensure that it operates in an effective and secure manner.

5.3   Unless otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy, ICBG or ICBG’s Website host will not disclose any of your personal information to any other organisation unless the disclosure is required by law or is otherwise permitted by the Australian Privacy Principles.

6. Marketing

6.1   Like most business, marketing is important to ICBG’s continued success. We believe we have a unique range of products and services that we provide to customers at a high standard. We therefore like to stay in touch with customers and let them know about new opportunities. We may provide you with information about new products, services and promotions.

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes.

You may opt out at any time if you no longer wish to receive commercial messages from us. You can make this request by contacting our Privacy Officer.

7. Protection of personal information

7.1    At ICBG, your personal information is treated with the greatest of care. ICBG maintains appropriate physical, procedural and technical security for its offices and information storage facilities so as to prevent any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification of personal information. This also applies to disposal of personal information. Personal information that is held by ICBG in hard copy is stored securely on its premises and is only disclosed or used for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

7.2   ICBG further protects personal information by restricting access to personal information to those who need access to do their job. Physical, electronic and managerial procedures have been employed to safeguard the security and integrity of your personal information.

8. Accessing and correcting your personal information

You may contact our Privacy Officer to request access to the personal information that we hold about you and/or to make corrections to that information, at any time. On the rare occasions when we refuse access, we will provide you with a written notice stating our reasons for refusing access. We may seek to recover from you reasonable costs incurred for providing you with access to any of the personal information about you held by us. If we find that we have no further need for your personal information, we may remove it from our systems and destroy all record of it. ICBG welcomes any changes to your details so as to keep our records up to date.

ICBG is not obliged to correct any of your personal information if it does not agree that it requires correction and may refuse to do so. If ICBG refuses a correction request, we will provide you with a written notice stating our reasons for refusing.

9. Overseas transfers of personal information

As the internet is a global environment, using the internet to collect and process personal information necessarily involves the transmission of that information worldwide.

10. Resolving personal information concerns

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Privacy Policy, or how we handle your personal information, please email our Privacy Officer at or write to:

The Privacy Officer
International Consolidated Business Group Pty Ltd, Level 1, 344 St Kilda Road
Melbourne Victoria 3004

Once a complaint has been lodged, the Privacy Officer will respond to you as soon as possible.

You may also lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by email:

11. Changes

We reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time, without notice to you. An up-to-date copy of our Privacy Policy is available on our Website.

The last update to this document was 28th May 2019